A calendar component that allows users to select a range of dates.
<script lang="ts"> import { RangeCalendar } from "$lib/components/ui/range-calendar"; import { today, getLocalTimeZone } from "@internationalized/date"; const start = today(getLocalTimeZone()); const end = start.add({ days: 7 }); let value = { start, end }; </script> <RangeCalendar bind:value class="rounded-md border shadow" />
<script lang="ts"> import { RangeCalendar } from "$lib/components/ui/range-calendar"; import { today, getLocalTimeZone } from "@internationalized/date"; const start = today(getLocalTimeZone()); const end = start.add({ days: 7 }); let value = { start, end }; </script> <RangeCalendar bind:value class="rounded-md border" />
The <RangeCalendar /> component is built on top of the Bits Range Calendar component, which uses the @internationalized/date package to handle dates.
<RangeCalendar />
npx svell@latest add range-calendar
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